Call For Presentations

The 2025 Texas EMS Educators Summit Call For Presentations is now closed. Thank you to all of those who submitted topics for review. If you have any questions on the submission process or need additional information, please email

Speaker FAQs

Does Texas EMS Educators Summit cover travel expenses?

No, Texas EMS Educators Summit does not cover travel expenses. The speaker agrees to be responsible for all costs associated with accommodations and travel to the summit. Speakers must make their own travel arrangements and hotel reservations and are responsible for any changes or cancellations.

What audio/visual equipment is available?

Texas EMS Educators Summit provides a presentation computer, LCD projector and screen, audio connection for computer, and one lapel microphone.

Is internet available in the presentation rooms?

With the current audio/visual set an internet connection is NOT available in the presentation rooms.

Do I need to submit my presentation ahead of time?

Final presentations are requested several days in advance to allow for preloading to onsite computers. Please bring your presentation on a thumb drive as a backup.

As a speaker, do I get access to the conference?

Selected speakers will receive one complimentary conference registration. This includes access to all Summit education sessions from Friday through Sunday. Pre-conference classes are not included in the complementary registration. Specific registration details will be communicated upon presentation selection.

What is the typical presentation room setup?

Lecture rooms will be set in classroom seating with a head table for the presenter(s). Pre-conference classroom sets vary. 

Will I receive feedback from my presentation?

Yes, we rely on our attendee evaluations as a tool to improve the educational program and know that it helps speakers improve presentation skills and content. Feedback (summary of attendee evaluations and attendee comments if requested) is provided post event.

Who can I contact if I have additional questions?

Please email with comments or questions.

Samantha Grimsley | Speaker at Texas EMS Educators Summit
Jeff Jarvis | Speaker at Texas EMS Educators Summit